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  • Writer's pictureLa'Aura Flora

As the Goddess Rises Embrace Love

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

Hello Lovelies


New moon again and I want to check in.

It appears it has been a whole month (since the last new moon)

That I've dropped in and updated.

I am, as we all are, so often wrapped up in living.

Some of us integrate technology into that more consistently

or proactively than others.

As of September 20th I am twenty nine years embodied in this form!

Also, Free of Facebook.

I am adapting to being notified-less.

Longing to be more present and interactive with my creativity.

It feels to be happening slowly but surely.

Having so many interests and responsibilities: balancing focus, intention and spontaneity

can be a challenge.

Currently, wading through a few project ideas and possibly big expansions

which I will elaborate on as they unfold.

Venus will begin to rise in the sky looking forward;

and while this planet and archetype revolves around relationships

and love... I am, like the season, moving inward.

Reflecting, Releasing, and Resting....

After I put the garden to bed, clean up after and entertain the children and dog, complete numerous homework assignments and self-care practices.

Ya know, mom life...we'll sleep when we...oh however that saying goes..

but honestly, I'm going to go snooze

and have faith tomorrow will be even more brazen and blustery than today.

~Salud Mates~

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